CZIP Detail

The Ulcinj Salina, a newly established protected area, contains over 350.000 m3 of peloid silt – a mineral much in demand for spa and health care. A recent study has shown that the quality of this peloid is one that matches the medicinal attributes of mud from the Dead Sea. The salina, after 15 years-long battle for protection, must now meet various legal requirements: management body, management plan as well as financial sustainability. Sustainable ways to support the stability of this PA have to be found, especially since salt production was abandoned since the bankruptcy of the saltpan company. This project aims to assess which quantities and qualities of peloid could be extracted from the site for medicinal purposes, whilst respecting the natural values of the protected area, as well as the possible renewal of salt production in the future. It also aims to assess the market value of the Ulcinj Salina peloid based on local community engagement

AFD-FFEM amount (€) : 13.000
Key component : Sustaina-ble use of mineral resources

[Duration: 18 months (Jan. 2020- June 2021); Total amount: €13,000; AFD-FFEM: €13,000; cofinancing : -]

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